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Is Roblox Safe For Kids?

The digital landscape is more perilous than ever, online scam artists, cyber bullying and even predators seemingly run amok in community led programmes and social media. It’s understandable that you’ll be hesitant to let your little ones run wild on an unknown and unregulated social media program, game or chatroom.

However, unless your kids have been living in a cave the past few years, it’s likely that they have an almighty obsession with the Roblox platform, from Obbys, through to Dress Up Simulators, read our helpful tips which will take you through through a decision process on whether Roblox is a safe environment for your little ones and how to utilise safety tips for the program, whether you’re a new user or you’re more accustomed to it.

What is Roblox?

Roblox is an online hub that can be accessed on smartphones, tablets and Xbox that hosts user-created games and experiences with added features like chats, social commerce and messaging. Want to know more? Our latest in-depth blog covers all the Basics of Roblox.

Warn your children of the dangers of online play

Regardless of Roblox, it’s critical that you sit down with your children and talk to them face to face about potential dangers they can encounter on the internet. Have multiple conversations if you need, and ask them to tell you if something feels strange.

Roblox in particular tends to feel like it’s mostly children in a safe space, however, some of these people might have bad intentions, so if your teenagers are using the in-game chat facility, teach them not to chat with people they don’t know in real life. We’d also highly recommend that they don’t accept private messages from strangers either.

In addition, make sure they know to never give away personal information (like their real name), and to tell you straight away if someone has made them feel uncomfortable. Act immediately if a user is trying to force your child to move to another platform.

Keep an open line of communication with the little ones, and depending on age; supervised play is encouraged.

Keep your devices in open areas

If your kids are small, you may prefer, that within the home that all games are played within open areas like the living room. In particular we recommend devices are charged in public areas too.

Get familiar with the game

Even if you’re not a fan of playing games yourself, we’d absolutely encourage that you get as familiar with the platform as possible.  Not just learning the parental controls side, but also sit down with your little one, create a world with them or even play some levels together. By doing this you will grow a much deeper understanding of how the Roblox world works and how your children utilise it.

Make sure you control the Roblox account

It’s important to understand how to use the parental controls in the game so you can make sure your children have an enjoyable experience focusing on play.

To view the parental controls, log into the Roblox account and navigate to the settings area. In the parental controls area you’ll see an ability to create a ‘Parent PIN’ – once this has been enabled, users (your kids) won’t be able to make any changes to settings without entering the Parent PIN.

In this area you can also disable chat functionality, disable messages and prevent users finding them by their mobile number. By locking these down, it should hopefully provide them with a safer space to focus on play and imagination.

How to update Roblox Controls on your phone

  • Log in to the account.
  • Click the 3 dots on the bottom right
  • Scroll down and click Settings
  • Setting a Parental Pin – click Parental Controls and Toggle the pin option
  • In the settings menu, click Privacy
  • On the right-hand side of the Settings page, click Privacy.
  • From here, you can update Contact Settings and Other Settings
  • If your child is 12 or younger, you can choose Friends or No one. If your child is 13 or older, there are additional options for interaction with other players

We hope our blog helps you make guided decisions in safeguarding your children online.

Is Roblox Safe For Kids?
Posted on 28-11-2022
By TheAtheletesFoot
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